Author Archives: Leo

What Is Explosion-Proof Chillers and Why It Is So Important?

In industries that need chillers to operate in a dangerous environment, explosion-proof chillers are the...

Why You Need A Laser Chiller to Protect Your Laser Cutting/Engraving Machine

Lasers are beneficial for engraving&cutting most materials such as wood, glass, leather, and acrylic. For...


What Is the Most Suitable Temperature to Ferment Wine& How to Control It with A Fermentation Chiller

The process of distilling a fine wine is critically hinged on fruit selection, yeast culture,...

What Is Hydroponic Chillers And Why It Is Used for Hydroponics?

What Is The Most Suitable Water Temperature For Growing Plants With Hydroponics? There is no...


Refrigeration System Major Components: Complete Guide

How refrigeration compressors work 1.HERMETIC Refrigeration compressor or (fridge compressor) Hermetic compressors are mostly used in...


What Are the Most Used Refrigerant and How to Choose the Suitable One for Your Chiller?

Most Used Refrigerant in Chillers – What refrigerants are used today? 1. Water Using water...

What is an MRI and Why Does It Need An MRI Chiller?

What is An MRI? MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is a type of...


What is USRT and How to Calculate the Right Cooling Capacity for Your Chiller?

What is (US)RT? The term (US)RT or Refrigeration Ton, predominantly used in North America, is...


Refrigeration System Top 10 Failures Check List! Do You Know How to Solve Them All?

1. Liquid reflux Cause In the refrigeration system using expansion valves, liquid reflux is closely...